21 Real Branding Stats that will lead you down the right track in 2016

Category: Branding

How do you communicate with your brand audiences?

The year is 2016, a time when brand communication has evolved from the increasing popularity of social media. Anyone can be an influencer, and if they hate your brand and declare their poor reviews of your brand on his/her social media account – you have no control over their soapbox.

So, it’s high time you start thinking about how to build a brilliant brand and a community that supports it. To heck with the haters, you can find your people! The question is how. Well, we’ve rounded up 21 statistics on branding to inspire your strategy in 2016.

If you want to learn more about overarching branding, it’s valuable to read The CMO’s Guide to Building Strong Brand Strategies.

The CMO’s Guide to Building Strong Brand Strategies

Shocking Branding Stats


54% of people don’t trust brands. Yikes. Source


U.S. brands are losing approximately $41 billion every year because of poor customer service. Anyone shaking their fist at Yelp?  Source


There are 2.1 million negative social mentions about brands in the U.S. alone, every single day. That’s a lot of haterade!  Source


45% of people surveyed said that they would unfollow a brand on social media if their platform is dominated by ‘too much’ self-promotion. Source


A little more than half of respondents said that they generally don’t trust sponsored content from brands. Source


48% of respondents said it was likely that they would immediately unfollow a brand if it garnered press for poor customer service. Source


42% of consumers complaining on social media expect a response within 60-minutes. 32% expect a response within 30 minutes. Times a tickin’ – and you better have someone taking care of your feeds and your customers.  Source


Nearly a quarter (24%) of Connected Consumers say what frustrates them most about their customer support experience is having to repeat information at each step. Source


Americans say they tell an average of 16 people about poor brand experiences. And we know that people are more likely to share a bad experience than a good one. Source

Then What we should do?


Americans say they tell an average of nine people about good experiences Source


80% of consumers said “authenticity of content” is the most influential factor in their decision to become a follower of a brand. Source


72% of marketers think branded content is more effective than advertising in a magazine; 69% say it is superior to direct mail and PR. Source


48% of Americans expect brands to know who they are and help them to further discover new products or services that fit their needs. Source


55% of global consumers say they are more likely to interact with a brand when using more specialist and niche digital services. Source


49% of global consumers are much more likely to engage with digital experiences that seamlessly integrate with their physical worlds. Source


Spending on branding-oriented online ads will grow more quickly than direct-response spending throughout the forecast period, and by 2015, 44.4% of online advertising spending will be devoted to branding. Source


73% of US respondents named price and value as the leading factor that determined brand loyalty, followed by “features, design and quality of product or service,” at 66%. Source


40% of Connected Consumers said that the post-purchase experiences can have the biggest impact in creating the most memorable brand experience. Source


79% of Connected Consumers agree that it is important to have a positive perception of a brand after making a purchase. Source


58% of respondents share positive experiences and seek advice from friends and family when they talk about brands on social media. Source


Consumers with positive social-care experiences are also three times more likely to recommend the brand to others. Source

Wrap it Up!

Branding is changing. But, we’re still firm believers that  If You’re Authentic, They Will Come. You can’t control what people say, only what you do as a brand. If you’re doing things correctly, you won’t need to spend resources controlling what your audience shares with their friends, family and everyone else online, because they’ll be sharing the truth. No fancy hashtags or off-the-mark buzzwords necessary.

As our Account Lead Matthew mentioned on his post: How To Build A Tribe of Brand Followers, our job as a brand is to organize them, understand them, connect with them and be their unified voice. They’ll give you strength in numbers and you’ll give them strength through direction. All it takes is defining your brand and finding your supporters – they’re out there – they’re just waiting for you to take the lead.

And to wrap it up, here’s Dove’s Ad campaign: Ad Makeover.  As a result, over 50% of the women who visited Dove Ad Makeover created a message, and 82% of the ads seen were created by friends of the viewer. Project Impressions were 253 million! A poll was conducted where 71% of the women said that they felt more beautiful. Now that’s something to talk about.

Source: Youtube – DigitalOgilvy

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Akihiro Nomura

Akihiro Nomura is the SEM/Digital Marketing Specialist at My Loud Speaker Marketing who enjoys Excel formulas just as much as he loves beer. Akihiro has been thoroughly planning, researching, executing, and analyzing SEM strategies for businesses for the past 6 years, and believes in the importance of educating his clients to create strong and effective partnerships.

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