Working with an Agency 101

Category: Our Thoughts

Are you thinking about working with a Marketing Agency for the first time?

It’s almost like a blind date – you’ve got expectations but you’re not sure what might happen. It’s new, it’s exciting, and more than anything, it’s full of the unknown. Plus, there’s the very real pessimism that it might not be what you want it to be.

Well, throw those blind date jitters aside. We have some good basics you should know about working with a Marketing Agency like ours. Here are the top five things you should expect from your relationship with your new crew of marketers.

Do You Mind If We Download Your Brain? Thanks!

The first thing anyone should know about working with an agency is, we’re going to need your brain. Consider us like friendly zombies? Chances are, you know more about your business than we ever could. You work in your industry, you know your product and services, and you have the kind of insight and casual details that can totally change the trajectory of your marketing strategy.

Sharing is caring (about your marketing), so expect us to ask you lots of questions, and be prepared to answer. Share everything you think we should know about your business so we are empowered to develop the strongest marketing strategy for you.

But once you’ve told us everything you think we should know, tell us all the things you don’t think we should know. Like who’s your favourite client, and why? What’s your culture like? What is your favourite thing about being a part of your business? They may seem like soft questions, but they give us valuable insight into the things about your business that can’t be found through a Google search or your website.

Let us just download your brain, we’ll be gentle.

We Hope You Like Emails!

Ah, who doesn’t love a steady stream of incoming emails with questions and requests.

Throughout the duration of your project, our team is going to uncover everything we need from you in order to do a bang up job. Whether it’s files, a quick question, or we just want to ask how everything is going on your end, we’ll be making a regular appearance in your inbox.

Now, not everyone loves a barrage of emails, so we respect boundaries. Generally, we like to follow up on Mondays and Thursdays on anything project related to make sure your project is running smoothly and on timeline.

We’ve had several projects get held up awaiting the precious answer to a pivotal question. Let us know up about your communication style, and what expectations we can set. We’ll ask early on how many days you generally need to return feedback, or respond, so be honest. If the truth is you really only want to touch base once a month – that’s cool!

Your project might take a little longer, mind you, but we’ll accommodate your needs. We’re chill like that.

We Thrive On Feedback

The key to marketing happiness is ensuring you provide your feedback. And when I say “feedback”, please know that “I don’t like it,” doesn’t satisfy feedback. Not that it isn’t valid not to like someone, but you’re going to need to explain why you don’t like it.

Answering a lot of “Why” questions will help us to understand what it is you do and don’t like. What is most important to you within your design or strategy, and we clock that feedback and keep it top of mind as we continue working.

The more specific your feedback, the more awesome it is! If you need some additional time to really suss out what is and what is not working for you, let us know and we’ll provide you with the space you need to provide specific feedback.

However, if you simply just


something – we’ll totally accept that.

Surprise! It’s Going To Be Surprising

Depending on the type of marketing you’re looking for, you’re probably going to experience surprise. Hopefully, pleasant surprises.

On one hand, you can invest in market research and you’ll find out tons of fun facts that may surprise you about your customers. Often, we find out by doing a little digging that the things that matter most to your customers are not exactly what you think. In these situations, it’s important to trust the research and keep an open mind.

On the other hand, we could be designing a fabulous new website for you. You’re probably a keener and have taken it upon yourself to check out some websites yourself, and you’ve got a vision in mind. You can see it when you close your eyes, this crystal clear image of what you hope the final result is.

Again, it’s really hard for us to jump inside your brain and see that picture as clearly as you, so the onus is on you to articulate it and send inspirations to guide the creative team. But, maybe you’re a CEO and design really isn’t your area of expertise. In this case, you have to place trust in us to do what’s best for you and your brand. You might be surprised with the end result, but again, a happy kind of surprise.

We do awesome work.

Meet Your New Best Friend!

Worried about your project? Feeling some stress? Wondering what we’re doing behind closed doors? Thankfully, you’ve got a sweet Account Manager who is always there to ensure you’re feeling good and have all your questions answered as we work through your project.

Your Account Manager represents you, our client, and plays a vital role in our team to represent you and make sure you’re happy. Consider him your new best friend. I’d say “her”, but it’s definitely going to be a dude.

If you need support, he’s there. You want to ask questions, and he’s there. Even when you can’t see him, you can trust he’s in our office looking over shoulders and communicating your desires and needs to the creative team.

Plus, we’re very proud of our customer service. Your account manager or someone from your project team will always get back to you within 24 hours, or we’re buying your office a pizza lunch. Heck, it’s our brand promise.

And you know what? I haven’t seen us buy any pizzas. So, if you’re banking on holding a stellar pizza party on us, you’re going to need to be real sly about it. We haven’t had to yet.


One of the most important things to know about Marketing is that there isn’t any room for cutting corners. In order for your marketing to be successful, you have to be ready to put the work in up front, and take the time to do things right. If not, you’re bound to sacrifice something in the process. Luckily, with a marketing agency at your side, we work to educate you on all the details you need to succeed and guide you through the process.

We’re experts after all.

And there’s more to working with an agency. Gosh, I know there is so much more but those made my top five. Give us a call if you’re looking to take your marketing game to the next level. We do amazing stuff. Just check the Case Studies.

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Want to learn more?

If you want to learn more about specific key elements of an effective marketing plan, read our 50+ page booklet on How to Write A Strategic Marketing Plan That Yields ROI – complete with explanations

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Faye Alexander

Faye Alexander loves to type, scribble and scrawl because words are her favourite play things. As an editor, writer and social media professional, she brought her skill-set to the evolving world of Marketing. She has a passion for inciting meaningful dialogue through crafted content and opening doors to two-way conversations. Some of her favourite words include, but are not limited to: feminism, effervescent, spoon and malarchy.

My Loud Speaker Marketing | Creative Strategies. Authentic Approach. Proven Results. We Get Sh*t Done.

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