How To Build A Tribe of Brand Followers
Category: Branding Case Studies Update Tags: Higher Education Marketing Strategies & TipsA couple of weeks ago, I saw Seth Godin speak at the well-known Art of Marketing event in Vancouver. During his talk, he reinforced what was said in his book: Tribes: We Need You To Lead Us. The talk got me thinking about some work we did for a client last year, Vancouver Island University (to save me some time typing, I’ll refer to them as VIU from now on).
The campaign targeted the local community, and the overarching goal was to increase the overall brand equity for the University – read our VIU case study results here. After some deliberation, we pursued the idea of building a following (we didn’t call it a tribe yet) from their target demographic – students from Generation Z. However, we didn’t just focus on the general student population within that age group, we defined the values and benefits that the University provided, and gave students who were like VIU the opportunity to join the brand, not just choose it.
Below are some key facets in building a tribe for your own organization: