The Advertising Concept

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Welcome to the Book Series

In this series, we delve into the concepts and ideas from thought leaders in the marketing industry. There is a myriad of resources that digital and traditional marketers consider bible-like for their timeless wisdom and tested theories that have resulted in some of the best marketing initiatives worldwide.

This week, we are introducing ‘The Advertising Concept Book: A complete guide to creative ideas, strategies and campaigns’ by Pete Barry, an in-depth resource packed full of sound advice for creatives. We hope to present you with some of Barry’s great ideas and examine them further to see how they apply to our own agency. We hope you enjoy it.

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How Your Key Message Is Important to Marketing

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Let’s talk about your key message. First things first, here’s a question for you:

Does your organization have a key message?

  1. Yeah, of course
  2. I think so
  3. I’m not sure
  4. Nope
  5. What is a key message?

If you happened to answer, b,c,d,or e – hunni, we need to talk. If there is one thing that should be crystal clear in any of your marketing and outward facing communications, it’s your key message.

Without one? *Gasp* We dread to think about the potential outcomes.

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How Much Should I Spend on Marketing?

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Marketing ain’t easy, guys. However, many people still have this strange idea that marketing is relatively straightforward and they don’t fully grasp why it gets to be so expensive. It only takes a simple Google search to see a zillion “How to XX in XX Easy Steps”. But don’t let Google and easy how-to’s fool you.

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Singled Out: Myths Around Marketing Strategy DeBunked!

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Marketing, in and of itself, is an enigma. Some of the world’s largest brands can equate at least some of their success to marketing and the strategy associated with it. With that kind of influence, it’s no wonder so many businesses – large and small – are trying to crack the code of what strategies will garner them epic success.

And while we spend a great deal of time spreading our personal belief in the power of ‘marketing strategy’, the term does come along with its fair share of misconceptions. Before you jump head first into developing your marketing strategy, we’ll break down some of the common myths.

Don’t learn the hard way – that’s what we’re here for. We’re cool like that.

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Make East Hastings Great Again!

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips Case Studies Update

We’ve been pals with the Strathcona Business Improvement Association for some time now. Maybe you remember our “Made in Strathcona” campaign. Our love for Strathcona is real and their business improvement association runs deep.

We could be bias. Heck, our very office is located right in the neighborhood. It’s easy to promote a community you’re a proud part of. As every day patrons of the community, it’s always a surprise that more people in greater Vancouver aren’t as familiar with Strathcona as we are. Especially considering all the unique offerings being doled out right outside our doors.

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What Is Strategic Influencer Marketing?

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Influencer Marketing is widely considered ‘the next big thing’ in the marketing game. Audiences have moved from their couches to their smartphones as the omnipotent power of social media has taken hold. With this huge shift already cemented in place, marketers have been rushing to rethink the way they advertise, and how to leverage social platforms.

Social media has changed marketing in a multitude of ways. It’s become the go-to source for news, connection, socializing, and consumption. Further still, social media has allowed individuals to turn away from traditional advertising and the messaging of brands and businesses. In fact, the Internet has widely created opportunities for people to tune out advertising and marketing altogether (see: Adblockers). Now, the power has been placed in the hands of just (somewhat) regular people who’ve built a loyal following.

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A Sexy Spy: Why Market Research is Important

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Market Research: every body needs it, but admittedly, the term “research” lacks a certain sex appeal. It could be those flashbacks of being faced with a term paper, and needing to hit a stack of books piled to the outer stratosphere. Toss those eerie flashbacks aside, market research is on a whole other level. And dare we say, it’s fun.

So how can we make market research seem like a sexy investment? What if we were to equate Market Research to a special secret agent man (think: Sexy Spy), I mean, who wouldn’t want to add a sexy secret agent to their business? Take your pick: Matt Damon, Jennifer Garner, Sean Connery, Austin Powers.

Now that you’ve selected a sexy spy, “Secret Agent Market Research”, what are they going to do to benefit your business?

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The Importance of Marketing Strategy

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve probably noticed our undying emphasis on strategy. Regardless of the size or shape of your organization, whether B2B or B2C, or even which type of industry you hail from, your marketing needs a strategy in order to effectively drive the results you’re hoping for.

Plain and simple, “A strategy is a course of action carried out to achieve a specific objective.” Now, this differs slightly from a Marketing Plan, but there’s a strong relationship between the two. What differentiates a plan is that it should outline all the deliverables and actions that reflect your marketing strategy. Or support it. See how these two work together? #RelationshipGoals.

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Making the Most of Your Social Media Channels

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Category: Social Media Marketing

It’s funny to think that not all that long ago social media was just a half baked idea. Facebook Profiles and Insta-stories weren’t common lingo – or even a social expectation. Over the past decade, the landscape of social media has changed, and it’s made an indelible mark on the world at large.

So it’s no surprise, the way brands and organizations interact with their audiences, the way they market themselves, and the channels they’re utilizing to make an impact have changed significantly. It was the dawn of digital marketing.

Seven years ago, before ‘Social Media Specialist’ seemed like a legitimate job, I was in charge of posting for my family’s business and populating their Facebook, Blog and Twitter with relevant content, funny updates, and photos of my choosing.

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